Dark Siders: The Three Actors Who Played Darth Vader

Even if I wanted to put in Jake Lloyd (which I don’t), he technically wasn’t Darth Vader. He was Anakin Skywalker, a confused little genius of a brat. So we won’t be tackling him here. Instead, we’ll be talking about the three actors who have played Darth Vader in the Star Wars movies, and what I thought of them.

Image source: elconfidencial.com

Sebastian Shaw

This Englishman was by all accounts, an amazing thespian. So amazing in fact, that with a very minor role in Return of the Jedi</> that consisted of only a handful of minutes of screen time, he brought unabashed sadness and gravitas to the role of Darth Vader. His labored breathing and unmistakable regret as he was unmasked, let us all know that Anakin had finally redeemed himself. Fans weep at the scene every single time.

James Earl Jones

James Earl Jones has one of the most remarkable actors in film history. His basso profundo of a voice is one of the most recognizable in Hollywood. As the voice of Darth Vader, he added a majestic menace to one of the most powerful Sith lords to have ever lived. We are all pins and needles, waiting for hear him once again in Rogue One.

Image source: screenrant.com

Hayden Christensen

Hayden Christensen was the Anakin Skywalker of this generation. Although I am partially put off by his whiny portrayal of what could arguably be the Jedi’s greatest tragedy, he pulled it off in the end. His transformation and eventual allegiance to the Sith was pretty convincing.

Hey there! I‘m Wendy Eber, a proud Star Wars fan who’s very much one with the Force. Follow my Twitter page to get more insights on Star Wars.

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